Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
It’s That Important

I don’t usually share other people’s YouTube videos, but I think this one is That Important. It’s not just teens. Every day I am out there driving I see people of all ages talking or texting. You are NOT more important than the other people on the road. STOP IT...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
SB 136: Killed But Still Kicking
On Thursday, February 17, 2011, Senator Edward Maloney killed SB 136. When I heard the news, I contacted his Chicago office to thank him and to ask if he will continue to pursue the registration of homeschooled students with the Illinois State Board of Education. I was told by a woman in his office (Jackie) that the senator was still in Springfield and that she did not have a lot of details. She did inform me that “any...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Contact Sen. Ed Maloney to Oppose SB 136...
Please contact Sen. Ed Maloney, and let him know that you oppose SB136. This bill proposed all non-public students be required to register with the state. Now, he plans to amend it so it only affects homeschoolers. Registration is not necessary and it will be costly – this does affect the entire community. Please call/fax/email Sen Maloney to oppose this bill. His contact information: Email: District Office: 10444 South Western Ave. Chicago, IL 60643 (773) 881-4180 (773)...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Tell Senator Ed Maloney to Withdraw SB 136 – and Do Not Amend It!...
Yesterday, thousands of homeschoolers traveled to Springfield, Illinois, to attend a hearing regarding SB 136. This bill would require non-public school students to register with the Illinois State Board of Education. It is sponsored by State Senator Edward Maloney, 18th District. This happens to be my district. It seems Sen. Maloney plans to amend SB 136 so that the language specifically references homeschooled students. I have several questions about this bill: I am wondering how a bill can...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Sen. Ed Maloney discusses SB136 on WLS Radio...
Earlier today, Senator Ed Maloney discussed SB 136, the proposed bill to regulate homeschoolers in the State of Illinois, with Cisco Cotto on WLS radio. There is a transcript of the discussion here: I have made several attempts to contact Senator Maloney, who actually represents my district. His office in Worth, as listed on his website, is closed, with a big “For Rent” sign in the window. The phone at his office in the Beverly community goes...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
SB 136 – A Hot Topic for Illinois Homeschoolers...
Earlier this week, I wrote in to the SouthtownStar Newspaper about the proposed SB 136 bill, put forth by Sen. Edward Maloney, 18th District (my district), here in Illinois. The same day that the newspaper published an abridged version of my letter (see my post on that here), it also published a letter from one Dana P. Zigmund. Today’s post is a comment I wrote on the SouthtownStar’s website in response to her letter. Below is Ms. Zigmund’s...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Illinois: Trying to Regulate Homeschoolers...
Last week, Senator Edward Maloney, Illinois 18th District, introduced SB136, which will require non-public school students to register with the Illinois State Board of Education. This would include both private school students and homeschool students. I recently wrote in a letter to the SouthtownStar, after reading a column about the subject by Fran Eaton. Below is my letter, in its entirety. Fran Eaton’s piece, “Homeschool parents ask, ‘Why state registration?’” raised some good points regarding the proposed Senate...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Crazy Cat Moves to WordPress
With the help of my son, Doug, and a nice little article online at, I have copied over all my blog posts from Blogger to this new WordPress set up. Literally, the process took longer to research than to install the plug-in and activate it on WordPress....
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Patsy and a Mouse
“You’re never too old to learn something new.” “Right click, left click! Open a window…wait, what is a window? Oops, what did I click on?” This morning, my mom, Patsy, proved that she has the makings of a computer geekess! Several weeks ago, my oldest son rebuilt a nice laptop for my mom. This morning, we finally had the chance to explore it together. I have to say I was pleasantly surpised to watch Mom giggle and chuckle...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Gotta Love Sharing
Although I have kept journals for years, I have only been blogging for a few months. I am also an avid user of Facebook. I have noticed that many of my Facebook friends have their blogs linked to their Facebook accounts and wanted to do the same. A quick search on Google for “add Blogger to Facebook” pointed me to a handy little video to do just that. I quickly clicked over to the article “How to Add...