Jan 4, 2024

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Eleven Pipers Piping

Eleven Pipers Piping

Merry 11th Day of Christmas – Thurs. Jan. 4, 2024  My mom and dad, when they chose to have each of my 5 siblings and me baptized as infants, promised to raise us in the Catholic faith. While my parents did not always agree with everything happening in the Church, I know they did their best to live their lives as a good faith example to their children. Of course, they were not perfect. None of us are...

Jan 4, 2013

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On the Eleventh Day of Christmas

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas

Why Eleven Pipers Piping on the Eleventh Day of Christmas? The eleven pipers represent the eleven faithful apostles: Simon Peter, James the Great, John, Simon (the Zealot), Jude (a.k.a. Thaddeus), Andrew, James the Less, Matthew, Phillip, Bartholomew, and Thomas. On the Twelfth Day of...