Nov 8, 2013

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Nemo: Gone to the Dogs

Nemo: Gone to the Dogs

November 8, 2013. Nemo was a month old on November 5. I took these photos on November 8th. Nemo, and our dogs,  Chelsea and Kelly, enjoy their play time together in our family room. The fun began when Nemo stalked Chelsea as she rested on her bed by our fireplace. Nemo did attempt to get onto the bed but never quite made it.  After that little adventure, Nemo decided to “stalk” Kelly. Nemo and Chelsea Nemo and Chelsea...

Nov 7, 2013

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Nemo: Becoming Like the “Big Cats”...

Nemo: Becoming Like the “Big Cats”

    November 7, 2013. Young Nemo is becoming more like the big cats every day! He is now using a litterbox and is starting to show interest in his “babycat” food. I am still bottle feeding him every day, but will be slowly weaning him from that after he turns six weeks old. Last night, I moved him into the big crate. There is enough room in there for his litterbox, along with a small house to...

Oct 30, 2013

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Nemo: 25-days-old – Part 1

October 30, 2013. Since we were up very late, the first two videos here were taken at about 1:30am. The third, a bit later in the morning.  Nemo explores in our bathroom. Notice how his ears have popped up a bit. He has also started teething; I can feel the very tips of his baby teeth. As with our other kittens and foster kittens, Nemo seems to like to hide out under the stool in the bathroom. We...

Oct 28, 2013

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Nemo: 23-days-old

October 28, 2013. At 23 days old, Nemo is more active than ever! He wants to go-go-go! Check out the videos and photos below.   After the above video was shot, we packed up and headed out for our drive home from Missouri. Later that evening, we stopped to see our son in Bloomington. Nemo seemed to enjoy the visit!   Our last morning in Missouri… …Nemo enjoyed scampering on the table. He’s curious and he is getting...

Oct 26, 2013

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Nemo: 3-weeks-old!

October 26, 2013. At three weeks old, Nemo is becoming more interested in his surroundings. He is alert for longer periods of time and enjoys being out with everyone. We still have to be mindful of keeping him warm so we usually keep him on our laps.             Nemo, 3 weeks old,...