Dec 30, 2012

Posted by in Articles & Essays, CHRISTmas, The 12 Days of Christmas | 0 Comments

On The Sixth Day of Christmas

6 geese alayingWhy Six Geese a-laying on the Sixth Day of Christmas?

Six Geese a-Laying represent the six days of creation:

1st Day: Creation of light and its separation from darkness

2nd Day: Creation of the firmament and division of the waters

3rd Day: Collection of waters (sea) and formation of dry land (earth); creation of plants according to their own likeness

4th Day: Creation of heavenly bodies in the firmament (sun, moon, and stars)5th Day: Creation of sea creatures and winged fowl from the waters6th Day: Creation of cattle, creeping things, and beasts from the dry land; creation of mankind, male and female.
Christmas is not a time or a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.
~Calvin Coolidge

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