Jan 7, 2024

Posted by in Articles & Essays, CHRISTmas, Epiphany, The 12 Days of Christmas | 0 Comments

Epiphany 2024 Observed

Nativity from Sacred Heart Mission, in Chicago

Epiphany Observed – Sun. Jan. 7, 2024

I rather like the years when the Christmas season is extended a bit because of how the dates fall. This year, Epiphany was observed by the Catholic churches in our area today, Sunday, January 7, 2024, rather than on January 6th. 

The image today is a photo I took today at my church, Sacred Heart Mission. For most of the Christmas season, the Wisemen were a bit off to the side of the manger. They slowly inched closer to the Holy Family. Today, they arrived!  

I love this beautiful, old nativity set at my church. Every year I take photos of it. I always notice something new and different about the set. The pieces will be in slightly different positions from prior years…sometimes the Blessed Mother is to the right of Baby Jesus and other times she is on the left side (as in this year’s display).  

This is rather like listening to all the Scripture readings throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons. These are the same and beloved stories we listen to and read every year. And yet every year we “hear” something different in them.  The message of faith, hope, love and joy are renewed!

Light of the World, by artist Mark Missman

Beautiful Religious Artwork

Artist Mark Missman has created many images of Jesus, the Holy Family and the Magi. I am sharing two of my favorites here. 

The first is called, “Light of the World.” The second is titled, “Wisemen Still Seek Him.”  

In “Light of the World,” there is the newborn Christ child, protected by his parents and adored by regular people: the shepherds, the servants, children. Off in the distance are the approaching Magi, with the beautiful star guiding their journey to bring gifts to Jesus.  

In “Wisemen Still Seek Him,” the Magi surround baby Jesus and present him with each of their gifts. They are the first Gentiles to recognize the significance of Jesus.  

I have seen these images many times. Each time I look at them I feel peace and hope and joy.

Wisemen Still Seek him, by artist Mark Missman

What new messages have you received this Christmas season?

Has your hope been renewed? Did you find joy in something that you overlooked before? What has been manifested to you on this Epiphany?

Happy Epiphany!


Visit Mark Missman’s site here: https://www.markmissman.com/

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