Dec 16, 2012

Posted by in Advent, CHRISTmas | 0 Comments

Third Sunday of Advent

advent_3Father, I trust in your love.
Teach me the way of surrender, the way of peace.

The readings from today are about bringing everything to God, carrying for those in need and the hope and the promise of the coming Savior, Jesus Christ.

In the wake of the shootings at the Sandy Hook School, in Newtown, Connecticut, these ideas seem particularly timely. People discuss how this could happen and what could have been done to prevent it from occurring. I hear some saying ban all guns, while others say we should arm all teachers with a weapon and train them to use it. Some say that this kind of thing happens because God has been removed from schools and the public arena.

Father K., our priest today, reminded us that mass shootings, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, lack of family unity – these are all problems of the heart. He went on to say that banning automatic weapons is not going to solve the problem of people who are broken  in heart, spirit and mind. He called upon the congregation to stop complaining, to stop “bitching” (yes, he actually used that word!) and to step up and help those in need. He said the problem in our society is that we are not caring for the broken. He called upon us to look out into our own families and communities and help those who are in need. We can each help someone; what may seem like a small gesture can help another.

In the busy-ness of life, I sometimes forget to look beyond myself and see those around me who may be hurting. During this third week of Advent, I will try to remember not only to bring everything to the Lord in a spirit of thanksgiving, but will also look to see who may need to have a little bit of light and help brought into their world. 

Until next time,

May you always be joyful in your union with the Lord. I say it again: rejoice! Show a gentle attitude toward everyone. The Lord is coming soon. Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart.
Philippians 4:4-6

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