Nov 9, 2013

Posted by in Articles & Essays, November Thankful Challenge, Pets | 0 Comments

November Thankful Challenge Day 9

This photo is from 2011, but they all seem to commandeer our bed for most of the day.

This photo is from 2011, but they all seem to commandeer our bed for most of the day. Our oldest dog, Chelsea, is not pictured. Of course, we have since added two more felines to our brood.

On this ninth day of November, I am thankful for all of my pets.

When life gets crazy and I realize I cannot count on whatever plans I made (while God laughed), I find that I can count on my various pets to be there waiting for me. They are waiting for dinner, waiting for company, waiting for a gentle pat on the head.

There is something pretty sweet about having a team of furbabies waiting to simply love that I am home. 

What are you thankful for today?


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