Dec 26, 2023

Posted by in Articles & Essays, CHRISTmas, The 12 Days of Christmas | 0 Comments

Two Turtle Doves

Merry Second Day of Christmas!

Even as some are taking down the Christmas tree and other decorations, I will continue to celebrate the season!

Why Two Turtle Doves on the second day of Christmas?

The two turtle doves represent the two parts of the Bible: Old Testament and New Testament.

Two more ideas for the second day of Christmas

Sometimes the day after Christmas can feel like a let down. The preparation for The Big Day is done.  The noise from the visiting family and friends has faded, the presents were all opened, the great feast has been shared.  What is left?

The joy! The spirit of the season!

Christmas is not over on December 26th! There is so much joy to be found along with people and things to be thankful for. Joy and the spirit of the season are things my mom kept going when she was alive. I strive to do the same in her memory.

I encourage all who read this to find two things today. The first is something which brings you joy. The second is something for which you are grateful.

Merry Christmas,

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