Jan 8, 2016

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Babies, Bongos and Remembering Dad

Babies, Bongos and Remembering Dad

Although it is a week into January, this Christmas season keeps on giving! My “present” this Epiphany week came not from the Three Wise Men but instead came from our two grandsons when they were visiting with their parents (our son, Jeff, and his wife, Kristi) as we celebrated Jeff’s birthday. Several weeks before Christmas, I was at my parents old house and discovered that my dad’s old bongo drums were in danger of either getting thrown out...

Feb 27, 2011

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Take the Time

If a dog jumps into your lap it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing it is because your lap is warmer. – A. N. Whitehead We have a saying in our house that Jethro, our first cat, goes from person to person to “steal their warmth.”  At times, I find this annoying, particularly if I am trying type on the computer. Other times, I find it endearing, such as...