Nov 16, 2013

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Nemo: 6-weeks-old

Nemo: 6-weeks-old

November 16, 2013. Young Nemo is now 6-weeks-old and full of kitten spunk! Today, he climbed up one stair – and promptly turned around and came back down. He helped me put away the left overs in the fridge. He watched the big cats eat meat. And he ended the day…. ….by rolling around…. …. on his back…. …. all over the...

Oct 23, 2013

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Nemo: 18-days-old

October 23, 2013. Nemo is 18 days old. He likes being held by anyone who is willing to hold him!              ...

Oct 20, 2013

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Nemo: 15-days-old

October 20, 2013.  The photo to the left  is one of my absolute favorite photos of Nemo. He reminds me of a little baby. He had his little paw in his mouth and was sucking on it. Adorable! He was 15 days old in these photos.               15 day old Nemo, loves to snuggle Look how he rolls over, while holding my finger Such a peanut! Stretching! Little meows here Adorable Such...