Jan 11, 2014

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Nemo: Helps Me Help Other Kittens

Nemo: Helps Me Help Other Kittens

January 11, 2014. It is hard to believe that our young Nemo is now 14-weeks-old! When I brought him home in October, I did not expect that we would adopt him. However, as the weeks went by, it became clear that Nemo had, in fact, adopted us. At his last veterinarian visit,  Nemo weighed 3 pounds 11 ounces. That is a far cry from the couple of ounces he weighed on the day he was brought to Catvando...

Dec 28, 2013

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Nemo: 12-Weeks-Old

Nemo: 12-Weeks-Old

December 28 , 2013.  It is hard to believe that young Nemo is already 12-week-old! He is now able to leap onto chairs and small tables. He climbs onto our bed for afternoon catnaps.  And, he still loves playing in the...

Dec 3, 2013

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You Might Have a Kitten

You Might Have a Kitten

When you have no small children or teenagers living at home, and you have to say: Get out of the refrigerator, you might have a kitten. Get out of the dishwasher, you might have a kitten. Get out of my sock drawer, you might have a kitten. Get out of my laundry basket, you might have a kitten.   Get off of my keyboard, you might have a kitten. Get off of the bookshelf, you might have a...

Nov 28, 2013

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Nemo: Crazy on Thanksgiving

Nemo: Crazy on Thanksgiving

November 28, 2013. Happy Thanksgiving to all!  This morning, it was tricky to get a good photo of young Nemo because he was so crazy active!  Enjoy the video below!...

Oct 8, 2013

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Nemo’s Corner

Nemo’s Corner

After several weeks of photographing and filming Nemo, the orphan kitten my husband and I took in on October 8, 2013, I decided to organize everything on my blog. I have been uploading photos and videos to my Facebook, but have been encouraged to gather them all in one place.  Perhaps visitors will be amused, fall in love with cats for the first time or simply gain some encouragement if they decide to take on the care of...